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2024-02-05 22:33:16
美[raɪnɒlədʒɪ]  英[raɪnɒlədʒɪ]
n.  鼻科学


  1. Fructus Xanthii is commonly used in rhinology, especially used in treatment of chronic rhinitis and sinusitis. 苍耳子为鼻科常用药,尤其多用于治疗慢性鼻窦炎、慢性鼻炎。
  2. Objective:To explore a better operating pathway for rhinology operation to shorten the incision,lessen scar and increase the surgical indications. 目的:探讨更优良的鼻科手术入路,以缩短手术切口,不遗留瘢痕,扩大手术适应证范围。
  3. ophthalmology, otology, laryngology rhinology 眼耳鼻咽喉科学
  4. Ophthalmology, Otology, Laryngology, Rhinology 眼科学、耳科学、喉科学和鼻科学
  5. Otology, Laryngology, and Rhinology 耳鼻喉科学
  6. The treatment of severe nose bleeding with head trauma in rhinology 颅脑外伤合并严重鼻出血的鼻科处理