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2024-02-05 22:47:16
美[raɪnəˌskoʊp]  英[raɪnəˌskəʊp]
n.  照鼻镜


  1. medical instrument consisting of a mirror mounted at an angle on a rod; used to examine the nasal passages (through the nasopharynx)


  1. Objective To explore the therapy of obstinate epistaxis by rhinoscope. 目的:探讨顽固性鼻出血在鼻内镜下的治疗方法。
  2. Method:30 adult eyes with chronic dacryocystitis were divided into two groups:20 treated under endoscopy as endoscopy group and 10 under rhinoscope as control. 方法:将慢性泪囊炎成人患者30只眼分为实验组(20只眼,为鼻内窥镜下手术者)和对照组(10只眼,为普通鼻镜手术者)进行观察。
  3. removal of foreign body in nose under rhinoscope 鼻镜下鼻内异物取除术
  4. Rhinoscope Operation treat for Recrudescent Rhiniopolypus 经鼻内窥镜手术治疗复发性鼻息肉
  5. Related Factors and Nursing of Rhinoscope Operation Bleeding 鼻内窥镜术中出血的相关因素及护理
  6. Report of 15 cases of transnasal adenoid resection by rhinoscope 经鼻入路鼻内窥镜下腺样体吸切术15例报告