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2024-02-05 23:23:16
美  英
n.  罗得西亚(前南非一地区)人
adj.  罗得西亚的


  1. of or relating to the former country of Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe)


  1. Eye of a Rhodesian Ridgeback (my) ... 老虎的眼睛图片 Eye of the Tiger.
  2. She grew up in Zimbabwe, or Rhodesia as it then was. 她生长在津巴布韦,当时该地叫罗得西亚。
  3. In the Rhodesian form, the patient soon dies of massive toxemia. 在罗得西亚型中,病人很快就会死于严重的毒血症。
  4. Education had never been a priority for the authorities in Northern Rhodesia. 上帝来非洲创造赞比亚预算一定是很紧很紧的。
  5. In 1964 Northern Rhodesia became the independent republic of Zambia. 1964年北罗得西亚独立,成为尚比亚共和国。
  6. A year later, he became the first Rhodesian and first man on the African continent to run a sub 4-minute mile. 一年以后,他成了罗德西亚,也是非洲大陆上,第一个跑1英里打破4分钟纪录的人。