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2024-02-05 23:37:17
美[roʊdɒpsɪn]  英[rəʊdɒpsɪn]
n.  视紫质;视网膜紫质


  1. a red photopigment in the retinal rods of vertebrates; dissociates into retinene by light


  1. It is likely there is a new gene next to the rhodopsin gene. 在 rho基因附近可能存在新的基因 ,但还需要进一步研究证明。
  2. Rhodopsin, it turns out, is an important aid for night sight. 这种视网膜色素被证明有助于提高我们在夜间的视力。
  3. Rhodopsin is highly specialized to be very sensitive to the detection of light. 视紫红质对于光线的探测高度敏感。
  4. The results showed that rhodopsin positive cells did exist in the cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neuron and pineal gland. 在松果体接触脑脊液神经元及松果体内部有视紫红质反应阳性细胞存在;
  5. A protein of the retina,especially the protein constituent of rhodopsin,that makes up one of the visual pigments. 视蛋白视蛋白,尤指由视黄醛蛋白组成的元素,它是组成视色素的元素之一
  6. Objective: To study the effects of rhodopsin (RHO) gene in autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (adRP). 摘要目的:探讨视紫红质基因在视网膜色素变性疾病中的作用。