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2024-02-05 23:41:16
美[rɒm]  英[rɒm]
n.  偏菱形(斜方形;斜方六面体)


  1. a parallelogram with four equal sides; an oblique-angled equilateral parallelogram


  1. The basic form of this crystal is a rhomb. 此类晶体的基本形状为一菱面体。
  2. Two opposite corners of this rhomb contain three obtuse angles of 101°55. 菱面体的两个对顶包含着三个101°55的钝角。
  3. This would be a bit more obvious if we cut the rhomb to have edge of equal axis. 若把斜方体的棱都切成等长,就可以看得更清楚。
  4. Its back is greenish grey while its body is silvery white with a black rhomb shortly behind the pectoral base. 牠的背部灰绿色,躯干大致银白,胸鳍基部后方有一黑色菱形斑纹。
  5. Currently the improved Fresnel rhomb and retangle prism compound rhomb phase retarders are the ideal and utility-type achromatic phase retarders. 结果表明改进型菲涅耳菱体以及直角棱镜组合型消色差相位延迟器,是目前较理想的实用型消色差相位延迟器。
  6. On a section, the perovkite crystals that are the forms of rhomb, cross and strip, are not independent grains, but only the section of the arms of p... 截面上钙钛矿晶体呈菱形、十字形、杆状;这些晶体不是独立的晶粒;是钙钛矿棱面枝晶分枝晶粒的截面.