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2024-02-05 23:57:16
美[rʌmb]  英[rʌmb]
n.  罗盘方位;罗盘方位线;航程线


  1. a line on a sphere that cuts all meridians at the same angle; the path taken by a ship or plane that maintains a constant compass direction


  1. The course which will cut each meridian at the same angle is termed a rhumb line. 与每一子午线相交成同一角度的航向叫恒向线。
  2. Calculation of track bias based on rhumb line sailing 基于恒向线航法的航迹偏差计算
  3. Rhumb Lines and Map Wars: A Social History of the Mercator Projection 等方位线与地图战:墨卡托投影的社会史
  4. (c) the Plate, Parana and Uruguay Rivers as far east as a rhumb line drawn between Punta Rasa (Cabo San Antonio), Argentina, and Punta del Este, Uruguay. (3)拉普拉塔河、巴拉那河和乌拉圭河向东到从阿根廷的彭塔--腊萨与乌拉圭的彭塔--特--埃斯特之间所绘恒向线。
  5. oblique rhumb line 斜轴投影无变形线
  6. transverse rhumb line 横轴投影等变形线