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2024-02-06 00:24:16
美[ˌrɪtɪdektəmiː]  英[rɪtɪdektəmɪ]
n.  [医]皱纹切除术;整容术


  1. plastic surgery to remove wrinkles and other signs of aging from your face; an incision is made near the hair line and skin is pulled back and excess tissue is excised;

    "some actresses have more than one face lift"


  1. Keeping young rhytidectomy: how many facdoedo you have? 驻颜除皱:你究竟有几副面孔?
  2. Results 62 cases of this group were fronto-temporo-facial rhytidectomy. 结果本组行额颞面部除皱术62例,术后近远期效果优良者居多数(90.;4%25),面神经损伤5例(8%25)。
  3. Objective To study the application of the endoscopically assisted frontotemporal rhytidectomy. 摘要目的探讨内窥镜技术在额颞部除皱术中的应用。
  4. Objective:To Summarize clinical experience in frontotemporal rhytidectomy under the SMAS. 目的:总结SMAS下额颞部除皱术临床经验。
  5. Objective To approach a temple rhytidectomy with a single incision of little scarring alopecia and asymmetric temple. 目的:探讨一种单一切口、能减轻手术后瘢痕性脱发和鬓角不对称的颞部除皱方法。
  6. Objective The application of the simple, safe and effective barbed thread in facial rhytidectomy. 目的对简单、安全、有效的倒钩线用于额面部除皱进行初步探讨。