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2024-02-06 00:34:17
美  英
n.  英国皇家建筑师学会


  1. A "Spring Snow" and "people under the riba" dual attributes. 具有“阳春白雪”和“下里巴人”的双重属性。
  2. The results of this method were compared with those of RIBA and ELISA. 进行抗HCV(ELISA)试剂和RIBA试剂与蛋白芯片法的比较.
  3. The degree of Bachelor of Architecture was first granted professional recognition by the RIBA. 香港大学建筑学士学位首次获得英国皇家建筑师学会之专业认可。
  4. Methods Anti-HCV ELISA(+) samples were confirmed by RIBA 3.0,and some of them were detected by FQ-PCR. 方法 用第三代免疫印迹法(RIBA3 .;0 )对抗 HCV ELISA阳性血液进行确认;并对部分样品用荧光定量聚合酶链反应 (FQ- PCR)检测 HCV- RNA。
  5. This was originally your thesis and you won a couple of prices with it, amongst them one from the RIBA! 你的这个原创课题使你赢得了多个奖项,其中最大一个是RIBA的银质奖章。
  6. Here is a selection of shortlisted projects, displayed at the RIBA in London, with captions provided by the students. 这是一个选择的候选项目,显示在免疫印迹在伦敦,与标题所提供的学生。All entries can be seen on the President’s Medals website here .;所有参赛作品可以看出对总统奖章的网站在这里 。