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2024-02-06 00:37:16
美[rɪbldri]  英[rɪbldri]
n.  下流;猥亵的话


  1. ribald humor
  2. behavior or language bordering on indelicacy


  1. Some are plundered;some are mutilated;some covered with ribaldry and insult-all more or less outraged and dishonoured. 有些墓被盗取,有些被毁坏,有些上面涂满了污言秽语--或多或少是愤怒或蒙羞的话。
  2. The agony, the reverence, the love of God and of humanity in his voice, are beyond belief in this man, who minutes before was performing the rawest ribaldry. 几分钟之前这个人还在讲着最粗鄙的下流话,现在他声音里却充满了对于上帝和人类的敬畏与热爱,这简直是令人难以相信的。
  3. unseemly to use profanity;moved to curb their untoward ribaldry. 不适合女士说的语言。
  4. was buried with indecent haste; indecorous behavior; language unbecoming to a lady; unseemly to use profanity; moved to curb their untoward ribaldry. 匆忙得不像样的掩埋;无礼行为;不适合女士说的语言。
  5. was buried with indecent haste;indecorous behavior;language unbecoming to a lady;unseemly to use profanity;moved to curb their untoward ribaldry. 匆忙得不像样的掩埋;无礼行为;不适合女士说的语言。