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2024-02-06 01:01:17
美  英
n.  茴香调味开胃酒


  1. Pernod Ricard is the worlds second largest spirits and wine group. 成立于1975年的保乐力加集团,总部位于法国,是全球第二大葡萄酒烈酒集团。
  2. This game, Shenhuas hero number one among foreign aid Ricard. 本场比赛,申花队的头号功臣当属外援里卡德。
  3. The first 24 minutes, helping the home team Ricard 1 to 0 lead. 上海申花队此前本赛季主场成绩为8胜1平,主场优势十分明显。
  4. Gao is still on front-lam, and Ricards two-center partner. 锋线上依旧是郜林与里卡德的双中锋搭档。
  5. McLaren went to Paul Ricard and Barcelona, Honda to Vallelunga and Paul Ricard. 迈凯轮去了保罗-理查德和巴塞罗那,本田去了瓦莱伦加和保罗-理查德。
  6. JT: We went back to Europe between the Malaysian and Australian races and we tested with Bridgestone at Paul Ricard. 雅诺-特鲁利:我们在马来西亚和澳大利亚的比赛之间回到了欧洲,在保罗-理查德赛道对普利司通轮胎进行了测试。