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2024-02-06 01:51:16
美[rɪdʒ]  英[rɪdʒ]
n.  脊;山脊;山脉;隆起部
v.  (使)成山脊
  过去式:ridged  过去分词:ridged  现在分词:ridging  第三人称单数:ridges


  1. 脊,梁,岭,岗
  2. 山脊,山脉,屋脊
  3. 隆起部,隆起线
  4. 田垄,犁垄
  5. 里奇(音译名)
  6. 分水岭
  7. 高压脊
  8. 【动】脊(背)
  9. 鼻梁
  10. 【筑城】斜堤脊
  11. 【铸造】沟
  1. (使)成脊状
  2. 装脊,装屋脊
  3. 作垄,种在垄上
  4. 培土
  5. 使(面上)起皱纹,起皱
  6. 使隆起
  7. 标出
  8. 以脊状线标明


  1. [U]脊,山脊 a long narrow raised part of a surface, such as the top of a range of mountains or of a sloping roof where the two sloping surfaces meet
  2. [C]脊状突起 raised line where two sloping surfaces meet; narrow raised strip


  1. a long narrow natural elevation or striation
  2. any long raised strip
  3. a long narrow natural elevation on the floor of the ocean
  4. a long narrow range of hills
  5. any long raised border or margin of a bone or tooth or membrane
  6. a beam laid along the edge where two sloping sides of a roof meet at the top; provides an attachment for the upper ends of rafters
  1. extend in ridges;

    "The land ridges towards the South"

  2. plough alternate strips by throwing the furrow onto an unploughed strip
  3. throw soil toward (a crop row) from both sides;

    "He ridged his corn"

  4. spade into alternate ridges and troughs;

    "ridge the soil"

  5. form into a ridge


  1. walk along the mountain ridge沿山脊走去
  1. straight ridge平直的山脊
  1. mountain ridge山脊
  1. the ridge of a roof屋脊
  2. the ridge of the nose鼻梁


  1. Recurvature follows after it traverses the ridge axis.预料尼伯特将于横过副高脊线后开始转向。
  2. Riding on the ridge of the bridge, the proud bride shouts loudly to the cloud.骄傲的新娘骑在桥脊上对着云大声喊。
  3. He walked along the mountain ridge.他顺着山脊走。
  4. The evening before the battle, Wellington took up a defensive position along, and to the rear of, a long ridge.那场战斗的前夜,威灵顿沿一条长长的山脊背后占据了一个防守阵地。
  5. A gentle breeze from the Blue Ridge Mountains carried the scent of honeysuckle.从蓝岭山脉吹过来的和风,带来了忍冬花的芬芳。
  6. Instead Meldrums visit to a ridge in the Blue Mountains set him firmly on a quest he has been on since.麦德伦跑去蓝山山脉一探究竟,没想到就此加入追寻答案的行列。
  1. The floor of the Atlantic ridges in the middle from north to south.大西洋洋底在中部形成由北向南的海脊。
  2. The low land should be ridged before they are used.低地在使用前应先整成交替的垄和沟。