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2024-02-06 02:22:17
美[rɪfl]  英[rɪfl]
n.  急流;涟漪;洗牌;浅滩;槽沟
v.  洗牌;翻查;使湍急
  过去式:riffled  过去分词:riffled  现在分词:riffling  第三人称单数:riffles


  1. a small wave on the surface of a liquid
  2. shuffling by splitting the pack and interweaving the two halves at their corners
  1. twitch or flutter;

    "the paper flicked"

  2. look through a book or other written material;

    "He thumbed through the report" "She leafed through the volume"

  3. stir up (water) so as to form ripples
  4. shuffle (playing cards) by separating the deck into two parts and riffling with the thumbs so the cards intermix


  1. Army regulations prescribe how a riffle must be carried. 军规中对持枪方式有明文规定。
  2. Dont continually riffle the ends or over shuffle the deck. 9. 十、不要拨牌直到底牌或者把牌洗过头(感觉翻的怪怪的)。
  3. A participant drops in a bookmark as you riffle the pages. 参加者在书签投下作为你浅滩页。
  4. Once riffle and tank was the main weapons of the battle field. 步枪和坦克曾经是战场上的主要武器。
  5. Dont continually riffle the ends or over shuffle the deck. 十、不要拨牌直到底牌或者把牌洗过头(感觉翻的怪怪的)。
  6. The sniper aimed his riffle at the man on the horse. 狙击手用步枪瞄准了马背上的那个人。