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2024-02-06 02:25:16
美[rɪfˌræf]  英[rɪfræf]
n.  <贬>乌合之众; 流氓; 渣滓; 垃圾


  1. disparaging terms for the common people


  1. The army should strictly discipline riffraff. 军队的首长们在广场上点兵阅阵。
  2. Haven`t you been told it`s dangerous to drive alone through all that riffraff? 没有人告诉过你一个人通过那段路是很危险的吗?
  3. Bleaching and those that you say you are a media riffraff pedophilia! 那些说你漂白和说你是一个娈童痞子的媒体!
  4. "Its terrible." and "Its fine.","riffraff" and "vanguards of the revolution" -- here are apt examples. “糟得很”和“好得很”,“痞子”和“革命先锋”,都是适例。
  5. The most one can call these is "an unhealthy minority", and we must not echo th e local tyrants and evil gentry in undiscriminatingly condemning them as "riffraff". 这只能叫做“少数不良分子”,决不能跟着土豪劣绅的口白,笼统地骂“痞子”。
  6. Marx wrote in his new years roundup of 1848 about "the Slavic riffraff," which included Russians, Czechs, and Croats. 马克思在其1848年的新年作品集中,写到“斯拉夫贱民”,其中也包含了俄国人、捷克人、克罗地亚人。