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2024-02-06 02:31:17
美[raɪfəlrɪ]  英[raɪflrɪ]
n.  步枪打靶


  1. Riflery contestant! Every shot hits the target! 射击选手!百发百中!
  2. Shortly afterward, during a Boy Scout summer camp, I participated in riflery at their shooting range. 不久,在童子军夏令营中,我参加了射击组的步枪队。
  3. The riflery event occupies in the world to the leading status country has US, China, Russia and Germany. 射击项目在世界上居于领先地位的国家有美国,中国,俄国和德国。
  4. But old but still full of high ambition, farsighted, this Paralympic Game starts until now, Jakobson has won two riflery gold medals, he also hopefully attacks the three metals. 巴肯也是参加本届残奥会自行车比赛年龄最大的冠军。
  5. The riflery event basic category is the rifle (fire), the pistol (fire), runs the target, throws the target (fire) and the bidirectional flying saucer (fire). 射击项目的基本类别是步枪(射击),手枪(射击),跑靶,抛靶(射击)和双向飞碟(射击)。
  6. Riflery contestant! 乒乓健儿!