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2024-02-06 02:45:16
美[rɪɡesnt]  英[rɪɡesnt]
adj.  僵化的(生硬的;刻板化的)


  1. The relations between him and his girlfriend is rigescent recently. 近段时间他跟女友的关系有点僵。
  2. The rigescent organizational structure of the system has greatly restricted the implementation of the Economy Mobilization. 组织结构僵化,系统缺乏柔性严重地制约了经济动员的实施。
  3. The organization of this company is really rigescent, old man hold all important positions and they refuse any change. 这里的组织架构太僵化了,老头子把持着所有的要职,而他们拒绝一切改变。
  4. Meanwhile, the current rigescent proportion should be changed into differential proportion or extent proportion. 同时,应当将目前僵化的比例标准改为差别比例率与幅度比例率。
  5. The management mode can guarantee security and stability of power system efficiently, but its economy is rigescent and unoptimizable. 这种管理模式能够较高效地保障系统的安全稳定性,然而对系统经济性的追求具有僵化和非最优的不足。
  6. It has becomes the main reason for making interest-rate management mechanism rigescent,conducting the mechanism weakened and the interest rate structure contorted. 十六大报告特别提出了“要稳步推进利率市场化改革,优化金融资源配置”的重要决策,揭开了我国利率市场化改革的帷幕。