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2024-02-06 03:01:16
美[raɪtɪzəm]  英[raɪtɪzəm]
n.  右派纲领


  1. the ideology of the political right; belief in or support of the tenets of the political right


  1. Just because this ordinary-looking young man Ke Tso-fu always began by accusing people of rightism or tailism, she felt that he must be right in whatever he said. 因为那平淡无奇的克佐甫开头就指斥右倾,指斥尾巴主义,而蔡真觉得克佐甫总是什么都对的。
  2. New common rightism is a right utility theory that satisfies the reasonable personal utility needs and the reasonable social needs at the same time. 摘要新公权主义是一种在满足合理的社会功利需求的同时,满足正当的个人功利需求的权力功利理论。
  3. Therefore, Giddens proposes to exceed the current inertial evolvement and bondage of leftism and rightism to lead the 3rd way. 对此,吉登斯提出要超越现代性惯性演变、超越“左”与“右”的思想束缚,走“第三条道路”。
  4. Since the middle of 1990s, a trend of thought of "New Nationalism" has emerged in Japan, which has been driving Japanese policy toward rightism. 20世纪90年代中期以来,日本社会出现了一股"新民族主义"思潮,它不断地推动着日本的政策走向右倾。
  5. As Deng said in 1992, "leftism" is deep-rooted in China and, while socialism may be ruined by "rightism", China’s main job is to guard against "leftism". 邓小平在1992年表示“左”在中国根深蒂固,中国要警惕“右”,但主要是防止“左”。
  6. The po pular standard of truth always sways between leftism and rightism in the practi ce of value since it despises the speciality of subject consciousness, di ms the value peculiarity of the truth. 在我国社会生活中,流行的真理标准观轻视人的主体性,淡漠真理的价值性,影响到人们在价值实践中,总是避免不了“左”倾和右倾的摇摆。