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2024-02-06 03:09:17
美[raɪtwərd]  英[raɪtwəd]
adj.  在右的;向右的;右翼的
adv.  在右地;向右地;右翼地


  1. We turn backward(s) then rightward(s). 我们向后转然后向右转。
  2. But there was something inevitable about his rightward slide. 然而此后的种种却清楚明白地显示了他的右翼倾向。
  3. Next rightward is done 5 times likewise, reply original state. 然后向右侧同样做5次,回复原状。
  4. This rightward shift of ULV timing vs. LLV might be responsible for its high defibrillation efficacy. ULV发生时间较LLV的右移可能是其除颤高效的原因之一
  5. Sword arm thrash falls to the shoulder, begin rightward to turn head and increase expiratory amount. 右臂划水至肩下,开始向右侧转头和增大呼气量。
  6. Rightward and leftward bisection biases in spatial neglect: two sides of the same coin? 空间忽视究竟是右侧优势还是左侧优势:一枚硬币的两面?