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2024-02-06 03:41:17
美[rɪl]  英[rɪl]
n.  月面谷


  1. From west to east streams down the tumbling rill. 这翻滚的小河从西向东流去。
  2. The water in this rill is very clean. 这条小溪里的水非常清澈。
  3. The rill is jingling on the rocks. 溪流在岩石间叮咚地流淌。
  4. There is a spare toilet rill in the bathroom cupboard. 浴室的柜橱里有一卷备用的手纸。
  5. The best little scrub by the side of the rill? 但要做溪边最好的灌木!
  6. From a practical standpoint, rill erosion forms small channels. 从实用的观点看,细沟侵蚀能形成很小的渠槽。