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2024-02-06 04:06:16
美[rɪndərpest]  英[rɪndəpest]
n.  牛疫


  1. an acute infectious viral disease of cattle (usually fatal); characterized by fever and diarrhea and inflammation of mucous membranes


  1. Cause: foot and mouth disease (aftosa) or rinderpest, or the bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) disease areas. 原因:属口蹄疫或牛瘟或牛海绵状脑病(疯牛病)疫区。
  2. China has been free from Rinderpest since 1955, and has eradicated Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia since January 16,1996. 中国境内从未发生过痒病、牛海绵状脑病、非洲马瘟、非洲猪瘟、水泡性口炎、结节性皮炎、裂谷热和小反刍兽疫。
  3. China has been free from Rinderpest since 1955, and has eradicated Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia since January 16, 1996. 中国境内从未发生过痒病;牛海绵状脑病;非洲马瘟;非洲猪瘟;水泡性口炎;结节性皮炎;裂谷热和小反刍兽疫.
  4. The Conference proceeded to examine the animal health situation, in particular in regard to rinderpest, foot and mouth disease and dourine . 会议调查了动物卫生状况,尤其是牛瘟、口蹄疫和媾疫。
  5. In 1883 he discovered the causal organism for cholera and how it is transmitted, and also developed a vaccination for rinderpest. 1883年他发现了导致霍乱的病原,并明白了它们是如何传播的,还研究出一种牛瘟疫苗。
  6. "Rinderpest: Acute, highly contagious viral disease of ruminants (including wild cloven-hoofed ones), common in Africa, the Indian subcontinent, and the Middle East. 口蹄疫:一种具高度传染性的病毒性疾病,能感染所有 偶蹄 哺乳动物(如牛、羊、猪),很少感染人类。