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2024-02-06 04:14:17
美[rɪŋdʌv]  英[rɪŋdʌv]
n.  鸽子之一种;班鸠


  1. greyish Old World turtledove with a black band around the neck; often caged
  2. Eurasian pigeon with white patches on wings and neck


  1. The ringdove said:” Where are you about to go ? 斑鸠说:“您打算到哪儿去?”
  2. The ringdove said:” For what reason are you moving? 斑鸠说:“您因为什么缘故向东边搬呢?”
  3. A fowler went into the woods to shoot a Ringdove with his bow and arrow,when an adder that he had trodden upon in the grass, urned and stung him. 一位捕鸟人带着弓箭到森林里去捕斑鸠。他踩着了草中的一条蝮蛇,蝮蛇便转过身来咬了他。
  4. An owl met a ringdove. 猫头鹰遇见斑鸠。
  5. ” The ringdove said:” For what reason are you moving? 斑鸠说:“您因为什么缘故向东边搬呢?”