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2024-02-06 04:21:17
美[rɪŋɪŋlɪ]  英[rɪŋɪŋlɪ]
adv.  响亮地;有力地


  1. Hai Xi Xi spitted two bite of spit into his hands ringingly, “go aside, look at me!” He exerted all his strength to pound the pick. “啐!啐!”海喜喜响亮地朝两手啐了两口唾沫,“你闪开,看我的!”他哼地一声使劲地砸下镐头。
  2. The night was frosty and ringingly icy.The Field Mouse ran straight for a village where his faithful grandmother awaited him with a suit of peasant clothing. 那是一个滴水成冰的夜晚,地老鼠直朝一个村子跑去,忠心的老奶奶带着一套农民衣服正在那里等着他。
  3. Italian voters sent a ringingly clear message to their national leaders today that they want a new brand of politics that is less corrupt and more efficient than what they have lived with for the last four decades. 今天,意大利的选民传给他们国家的领袖们一个清楚而响亮的信息:他们需要意国政治改头换面,一种比他们四十年来所忍受的政治有效而不像以前那样腐败。