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2024-02-06 04:28:17
美  英
sp.  林林家族(美国马戏家族)


  1. United States showman whose song-and-dance troop evolved into a circus (1863-1926)


  1. Barnum and Bailey or Ringling Brothers? 巴纳姆、比埃利,还是瑞凌兄弟?”
  2. They opened numerous fine art museums and hotels, not to mention the famous Ringling School of Art and Design. 他们开设了数不尽的一流艺术博物馆和酒店,其中包括著名的“瑞格林美术与设计学校”。
  3. Ringling Brothers and Barnum &Bailey starts a run at Staples Center on Wednesday, a booking long planned in advance. 周三,“瑞格林兄弟和巴纳姆及贝利”马戏团将首先在斯台普斯中心出场,这是提前就预订好的。
  4. She travelled with the Ringling Brothers Circus and appeared at Coney Island’s Dreamland sideshow. 它随着林林兄弟马戏团来到“康尼岛的梦境之旅”进行杂技表演。
  5. The invitation design above is the latest project Ive done for a fundraiser luncheon for Ringling College of Art and Design. 上图的邀请卡是为了瑞格林艺术与设计学院的年度募款餐会所设计。
  6. A little farther, theres John Ringlings private tent, with workers unloading his private automobile from a special rail car. 不远处是约翰润格林的私人帐篷,工作人员正从一节火车特别车厢上卸下他的私人汽车。