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2024-02-06 04:30:17
美[rɪŋmæstər]  英[rɪŋmɑːstə(r)]
n.  马戏团导演


  1. the person in charge of performances in a circus ring


  1. Jump through the hoop!@ yelled the ringmaster. “跳过铁圈
  2. The vet told the ringmaster Pinocchio could never perform again. 这位兽医告诉驯兽师皮诺奇再也不能表演了,
  3. He was afraid that the ringmaster would beat him again. 他害怕驯兽师又来打他。
  4. The ringmaster put a brand-new bridle on Pinocchio and brushed his hair all day. 驯兽师给皮诺奇套上崭新的马勒,替它刷毛刷了一整天,
  5. Then the ringmaster he see how he had been fooled, and he WAS the sickest ringmaster you ever see, I reckon. 到了这时候,领班仿佛才明白过来,发觉自己怎样被作弄了。
  6. The ringmaster comes into the pub for a pint and the barman says to him "Youre with the circus, arent you? 班主走进酒馆叫了瓶酒,酒保对他说:“你是马戏团的,对吧?