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2024-02-06 04:55:17
美[raɪp]  英[raɪp]
adj.  成熟的;熟的
  副词:ripely  比较级:riper  最高级:ripest  名词:ripeness


  1. 时机成熟的
  2. 成熟的
  3. 适宜的
  4. 成年的
  5. 高龄的
  6. 适宜食用的
  7. 醇美的
  8. 圆滑的
  9. 老成的
  10. 准备妥当的
  11. 化脓的
  12. 老练的
  13. 成人的
  14. 圆熟的
  15. 已准备妥当的
  16. 红润丰满的
  17. 已养肥(可宰食)的(动物)
  1. =Reseaux IP Europeens【计】以呼应并提升在欧洲的TCP/IP网路的群体组织


  1. 成熟的 (especially of fruit and crops) fully grown and ready to be eaten
  2. [P](准备、计划、时机)成熟的 in a suitable condition (for sth, especially a change or new development)


  1. fully developed or matured and ready to be eaten or used;

    "ripe peaches" "full-bodied mature wines"

  2. fully prepared or eager;

    "the colonists were ripe for revolution"

  3. most suitable or right for a particular purpose;

    "a good time to plant tomatoes" "the right time to act" "the time is ripe for great sociological changes"

  4. at the highest point of development especially in judgment or knowledge;

    "a ripe mind"

  5. far along in time;

    "a man of advanced age" "advanced in years" "a ripe old age" "the ripe age of 90"


  1. ripe apples成熟的苹果
  2. ripe cheese成熟的干酪
  3. ripe corn已熟的谷物
  4. ripe field成熟庄稼的田地
  5. ripe judgement成熟的判断力
  6. ripe lemon成熟的柠檬
  7. ripe scholar老练的学者
  8. ripe scholarship丰富的学识
  9. ripe time成熟的时机
  10. ripe wine酿好的酒
  1. ripe for …时机成熟的
  2. ripe for development适合开发的
  3. ripe for revolution革命时机已成熟的
  4. ripe for settlement解决的时机已成熟
  5. ripe for the picking(果子)已成熟可以采摘的


  1. The branches were weighed down with ripe apples.苹果成熟了把树枝都压弯了。
  2. Most tomatoes are red when ripe, but some kinds are yellow.大多数西红柿成熟时是红色的,但有些品种是黄色的。
  3. The ripe apples picked easily.成熟的苹果易于采摘
  4. The time was ripe for a challenge to the power of the government.时机已经成熟,可以向政府权力提出挑战了。
  5. These apples are not ripe; they are sour.这些苹果不熟,是酸的。
  6. I picked a ripe apple from the tree.我从树上摘下一只熟的苹果。
  7. It was mid-summer when the crops were ripe.庄稼熟的时候已是仲夏。


    ripe可指水果以及谷物果实的自然成熟,达到了可以收获食用的程度; 也可表示奶酪、酒之类的东西,经自然醇化或发酵而成熟; 还可指某项计划已有充分准备,而到时机成熟的阶段。用于人时,既可指“年事已高”,也可指“老练”。 ripe用于非正式用语中含有贬义,表示“粗鄙的,荒唐的”,在句中可用作定语,也可用作表语。 ripe常跟介词for连用。 ripe在句中用作表语时,其后所接的动词不定式的主动形式可表示被动意义。