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2024-02-06 06:01:16
美[raɪvəlrəsnəs]  英[raɪvəlrəsnəs]
n.  竞争性;敌对性


  1. In recent years prestressed concrete continuous beam bridge is applied widely with strong rivalrousness. 预应力混凝土连续梁桥以其强大的竞争力,近年来得到迅猛发展。
  2. The greatest challenge by globalization, essentially, is the rivalrousness of government, the transitional impact for the pattern of governance. 全球化竞争,很大程度上是各国政府间的竞争,必然对政府治理模式形成变迁的压力。
  3. To be a winner in this global drastic competition, we should train more person with global rivalrousness and good stuff. 为国家培养具有国际竞争力、综合素质较高的人才,才能使我们在激烈的国际竞争中立于不败之地。
  4. This kind of bidding cant embody the rivalrousness of bidding.In order to match the market economic request, the bidding shape need to reform. 这种招投标方式不能完全体现出招投标的竞争性,为适应市场经济的需要,需要进行改革。
  5. It is an important task for higher vocational colleges to take effective measure to improve students quality and rivalrousness in employment market. 摘要当前,采取有效措施,提高学生素质,提高学生在人才市场上的竞争力,已成为各高职院校面临的重要课题。
  6. The frame is original, which made the recreational interestness and rivalrousness of the golf activity dissolve into one. 球场设计出位创意,使高尔夫运动的休闲趣味性与竞技性高度结合。