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2024-02-06 06:05:17
美[rɪvəl]  英[rɪvəl]
n.  皱纹
v.  弄皱;皱起


  1. He runs so fast that no one of the school is able to rivel him. 他跑得太快了,这个学校里没人是他的对手。
  2. Then you are of no further interest to me, rivel... though I suspect your dreams will be filled with dark imaginings of the hedonistic pleasures you have denied yourself. 那你对我不再感到兴趣,真令人伤心...尽管我察觉你的梦里充满你无法自己为追求快乐纵欲的邪恶幻想。
  3. A study on medical rivel paper applied for packing sterilized res to stop bactrial contamination 医用皱纹纸用于无菌物品包装的效果研究
  4. Hutuo rivel 滹沱河