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2024-02-06 06:07:17
美[rɪvər]  英[rɪvə(r)]
n.  河;江;河流;水道


  1. 巨流
  2. 大量
  3. 河道
  4. 河流
  5. 界河
  6. 涌流(之物)
  7. 水道
  8. 生与死的界河
  9. 劈木工人
  10. 河流级反水雷舰(英国)
  1. 在河里划船


  1. [C]河,江 a wide natural stream of water flowing between banks into a lake, into another wider stream, or into the sea


  1. a large natural stream of water (larger than a creek);

    "the river was navigable for 50 miles"


  1. cross a river过河
  2. deepen a river挖深河流
  3. drown oneself in a river投河
  4. embank a river修筑河堤
  5. fall into the river流入河中
  6. fish the river在河里钓鱼
  7. ford a river涉水过河
  8. go down a river沿河顺流而下
  9. go up a river沿河逆流而上
  10. net a river在河上撒网
  11. pour out...into the river往河里倾倒…
  12. sail down the river乘〔驾〕船顺流而下
  13. sell sb down the river出卖〔背叛〕某人
  14. swim in the river在河里游泳
  15. tame a river治理河流
  16. walk along the river沿着河边走
  17. widen a river加宽河道
  1. big river大河
  2. busy river交通繁忙的河流
  3. commercial river通商河流
  4. crisscrossing rivers纵模交错的河流
  5. deep river水深的河流
  6. frozen river封冻的河
  7. inland river内河
  8. large river大河
  9. long river长河
  10. narrow river窄小的河流
  11. shallow river水浅的河流
  12. small river小河
  13. swift-running river湍急的河流
  14. turbulent river汹涌澎湃的河流
  15. wide river宽阔的河流
  1. the Mississippi R-密西西比河
  2. the Yangtze R-长江
  1. river steamer内河轮船
  2. river delta河口三角洲
  3. river bank河岸
  4. river basin流域
  5. river island河中小岛
  6. river silt河泥
  7. river traffic内河航运
  8. the river mouth河口
  9. the R- Thames泰晤士河
  1. bridge across a river河上的桥
  2. along the river沿河
  3. beyond the river河对岸
  4. down river河的下游,顺流而下
  5. in the river在河中
  6. bank of the river河岸
  7. bottom of the river河底
  8. depth of the river河水的深度
  9. middle and lower reaches of river江河中下游地区
  10. source of a river河的发源地
  11. waters of the river河水
  12. on the river在河上
  13. over the river跨河上,在河上
  14. up river河的上游
  1. rivers of blood血流成河
  2. a river of lava熔岩流


  1. The guide led us to the river.向导带领我们到河边。
  2. Growing along the river are tall palm trees.沿着这条河生长的是高大的棕树。
  3. Navigation is difficult on this river because of the hidden rocks.因为河上有暗礁,所以在这条河上航行很困难。
  4. The bridge stands majestic astride the river.大桥巍然横跨在江上。
  5. The river fed into a lake.这条河流入一个湖泊。
  6. The Changjiang River is one of the longest rivers in the world.长江是世界上最长的河流之一。
  7. The current strengthened as we moved down the river.我们顺流而下时,水流更急了。
  8. The villagers diverted the river from its course to a new channel.村民们将河流改道使其进入新水道。
  9. This species of fish successfully transferred to that river through a watercourse.这种鱼成功地通过一条水道到了那条河流。


    river的基本意思是“江、河”,是可数名词,有时可用于比喻意义。 river用于专有名词,其前须加定冠词。英国人喜欢将专有名词置于river之后,而美国人喜欢将专有名词置于river之前。如the River Amazon(英)/the Amazon River(美) 。中国的江河英译时,一般将专有名词置于river之前。


  1. 我们在河里划船。

    We row a boat in the river.

    We row a boat on the river.



    Harbin is by the Songhua River.

    Harbin is on the Songhua River.


    There is a bridge on the Huangpu River.

    There is a bridge over〔across〕 the Huangpu River.
