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2024-02-06 06:30:16
美  英
adj.  辗压的(轧制的)


  1. W o rld J Surg, 1996, 20: 4112417. 鼠肠淋巴液内毒素水平[J.;中华整形烧伤外科杂志;1998
  2. All of these made up the most beautiful picture in the wo rld. 这一切形成了一幅世间最美好的画面。
  3. Since the beginuing of the 20 century the trend of agin g has quickened it steps in the wo rld. 进入 2 0世纪以后 ,老龄化趋势在世界范围内加快了步伐。
  4. Although I didnt come to this wo rld for you I am attracted to the world because of you! 虽然我不是因你而来到这个世界却因你而更加眷恋这个世界!
  5. Myth #4: Autistic children are in their own wo rld and are not interested in other people. (荒诞的说法4:孤独症的孩子沉浸在他们自己的世界,对他人不感兴趣。
  6. The Aim:To explore the rationality of RLD single pricing and put forward the suggestions for RLD pricing. 目的:对“原研药单独定价”的合理性进行探究,并就原研药定价问题,提出自己的建议。