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2024-02-06 06:41:17
美[roʊdəbl]  英[rəʊdəbl]
adj.  适于在路面行驶的;兼用汽车的


  1. First customer delivery of a Transition Roadable Aircraft is expected to occur in 2011. 过渡“的第一个真正的客户要到2011年。
  2. Though not the first such roadable plane with folding wings, Terrafugia claims its Transition is the only one capable of a seamless transition from road to air and back again. 虽然不是第一架可以在公路上行驶的可折叠翼飞机,特拉弗吉亚表示他们的陆空两用机是唯一一种可以做到在陆空之间做到无缝连续切换的飞机。
  3. roadable autogiro 汽车式自转旋翼机