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2024-02-06 06:51:16
美[roʊdlɪs]  英[rəʊdlɪs]
adj.  无路的


  1. lacking pathways;

    "trackless wilderness" "roadless areas"


  1. Beyond the city and a handful of towns lies the roadless Sahara. 在撒哈拉的城市和少数集镇以外根本没有路。
  2. His route lay across mountains, rivers, wild country, roadless valleys. 他的路线要穿过许多山脉,河流,荒芜的原野,无路的山谷。
  3. "In 1964 the United States began designating roadless areas as wilderness. 1964年,美国开始把人迹罕至的地区划定为荒野。
  4. Idaho, with the largest inventory of roadless acres outside Alaska, submitted its petition on Wednesday. 爱达荷州是排阿拉斯加之后,拥有无路森林最多的州,也于周三提交了请求。
  5. The road means it is from roadless place that is full of bramble and difficulties. 就是从没有路的地方践踏出来的,从只有荆棘的地方开辟出来的。
  6. Sees roadless may run away, two suspects abandon the vehicle to run away, the suspicion vehicles are intercepted. 见无路可逃,两名犯罪嫌疑人弃车逃窜,嫌疑车辆被截获。