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2024-02-06 07:02:16
美[roʊdˌwɜːk]  英[rəʊdˌwɜːk]
n.  长跑运动训练;道路维修施工


  1. Theres roadwork too and no entry to "Celestijnenlaan". 另外,从90公里的那个快速路回考试中心,也是很重要的。
  2. It was enough to make Joe step up his roadwork from three to five miles every morning. 这足以使乔把每天早上3英里的长跑增加到5英里。
  3. They did roadwork while pounding a heavy bag hanging from Billingsleys rundown truck. 他们边跑步边击打挂在彼林斯雷那老掉牙卡车上的沙袋...
  4. Civil work for excavation, rock blasting, shotcrete, embankment and reclaimation, construct jetty, roadwork and painting work. 土木工程,爆破,掘石,喷浆,填海,码头,马路及油漆
  5. A lot of legislators listened to them, because their constituents liked the roadwork even if they had resisted paying for it. 很多议员都重视他们的意见,因为这些议员所在区的选民们喜欢这些道路工程,尽管当初不愿意为此付钱。
  6. On the road, your Global Positioning System( GPS) provides a color-coded map flashing red for roadwork, purple for accidents, and sky blue for clear sailing. 上路后,全球定位系统(GPS)提供一份彩色地图,路面上如有修路工作就闪红色,事故闪紫色,畅通无阻闪天蓝色。