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2024-02-06 07:53:17
美[rɑːkəbɪli]  英[rɒkəbɪli]
n.  <美> 山区乡村摇滚乐(起源于美国东南部)


  1. a fusion of black music and country music that was popular in the 1950s; sometimes described as blues with a country beat


  1. Now, it’s Rockabilly time!Are you ready to Roooooooooock? 全国各地的比利们 你们准备好了吗????
  2. If your like Chicken Rice and Rockabilly,then here is your chance to catch it. 希望大家可以支持他们!!小客厅可以买的到这张专辑喔!
  3. In downtown Tokyo, young couples eat popcorn and dance to the music of a rockabilly band, which plays American music from the Fifties. 在东京,年轻人吃着爆米花,跟着摇滚乐队的音乐跳舞,乐队演奏的都是五十年代的美国音乐。
  4. If you play bluegrass, rockabilly or baroque music, you owe it to yourself to play on a true, full set of all of gut strings. 若你弹奏蓝草音乐,乡村摇滚乐或巴洛克音乐,你就应该使用全套真正的羊肠弦演奏。