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2024-02-06 07:56:16
美[rɒkbaʊnd]  英[rɒkbaʊnd]
adj.  被岩石包围的(多岩的)


  1. abounding in or bordered by rocky cliffs or scarps;

    "the rock-ribbed coast of Maine"


  1. He imagined the ocean actually driving against a rockbound coast. 他觉得那真是象汹涌的大海在冲击那多岩的海岸。
  2. Paddling with Coastal Kayaking Tours will give you a fresh perspective on the rockbound coast of Maine. 皮划艇啊!!喜欢,觉得趁着年轻停值得尝试一次的!记得要提前预约!有教练,挺不错的!也是对自我的一个挑战。详细...
  3. Its rockbound coast bespeaks3 the glacial4 retreat that succeeded the Ice Age some 11,000 years ago. 她的岩石海岸展示了约1.;1万年之前冰河时期过后冰河退却的痕迹。
  4. But the unreasonable system, the rockbound mechanism, the outdated management and technical causes it to be unable to meet the express service market demand well. 而体制不顺、机制不活、管理和技术落后等使之无法更好地满足市场需求。
  5. He imagined the ocean actually driving against a rockbound coast 他觉得那真是象汹涌的大海在冲击那多岩的海岸。
  6. a rockbound lake. 被岩石包围的湖泊