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2024-02-06 08:53:17
美[reɪmə(r)]  英[reɪmə(r)]
n.  德国锥脚球形酒杯


  1. Hotel Roemer : Book the best Deal here. 现在就可以拿到绝佳的价钱!
  2. Perkins (Editor}, Malcolm Gillis, Donald R.Snodgrass, Michael Roemer, Steven C. 发展经济学(第五版)Economics Of Development Dwight H.
  3. Roemer,M.I.(1991),National Health Systems of the World:Volume One:The Countries.Oxford:Oxford University Press. 中共中央.;中共中央关于构建社会主义和谐社会若干重大问题的决定[M]
  4. The velocity of light was obtained by the Danish astronomer Roemer in 1676, by observing the eclipses of Jupiters moons. 光速的确定,说起来很有意思。光速是由一个名叫罗默的丹麦天文学家,在1676年通过观察木星的月食现象测得的。
  5. Roemer Eric.Christian. 主要演员:Sarah.
  6. A nursing student (Cross) forced to quit school for family reasons winds up taking a job as a doorman in an elite apartment building in New York City, where he sparks to one of his residents (Roemer). 一名护理生因家庭原因而被迫离开学校,最终他在纽约某高档公寓找了个做门卫的工作,在这里,他鼓舞了一位公寓里的业主。