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2024-02-06 08:56:17
美[rentgənəˌgræm]  英[rɒntgənəgræm]
n.  X伦琴射线照相;光照相;X射线照片


  1. a radiogram made by exposing photographic film to X rays; used in medical diagnosis


  1. Roentgenogram skeletal signs of fluorosis in 45 cases aere analyzed. 本文对45例氟骨症患者的骨骼 X 线征象进行分析。
  2. The features of chest roentgenogram were solitary round /nearly round mass or nodule with smooth margin,sometimes with slight lobulation. 胸片表现为肺内圆形或类圆形孤立性肿块或结节,边缘光滑,密度均匀,偶有浅分叶。
  3. Methylprednisolone pulse therapy was given for the diffuse alveolar hemorrhage, and the chest roentgenogram showed initial improvement. 以类固醇脉冲治疗后,肺出血初步有改善,但随后又发生急性呼吸窘迫症。
  4. He was transported to the neonate intensive care unit, where chest roentgenogram confirmed pleural effusion over the left side. 出院后,从未至门诊追踪,在4个月后出现严重的呼吸困难症状而至急诊室求诊。
  5. Pain in the presence of a destructie process in the hip joint as eidenced on roentgenogram is an indication for surgery. 这些措施常能减轻症状而不再需要手术,或者将手术推迟很长一段时间。
  6. If it is necessary, marrow clot section, marrow biopsy, bone roentgenogram and bone scan should be carried out in order to further ascertain the diagnosis. 如必要时,作骨髓凝块切片、骨髓活检、X线骨照片和骨扫描检查以明确诊断。