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2024-02-06 09:18:17
美[rɒdʒɑː]  英[rɒdʒɑː]
n.  (食时浇辣椒酱的)马来西亚色拉


  1. I also tried the Rojak here before. 总结是1.;份量偏少,味道和用料普通,价钱偏贵。
  2. Singaporeans language all rojak one. 新加坡人的语言都是渗杂的。
  3. Island Mixed Rojak is consist of fruits and squid and added in homemade rojak sauce. 招牌啰也主要的材料是水果,加入鱿鱼,配上自制香浓的啰也酱,简直是人间仙境!
  4. Asian Flavor Snack:Indian-style fish head curry,Hainanese chicken rice,chile crabs,Rojak. 亚洲风味小吃:印度咖喱鱼头,海南鸡饭,新加坡辣蟹,和罗惹等。
  5. After pouring some peanuts on it, the rojak is ready to be served.Her stalls always crowded by the working groups during the lunch hour and rest time. 每逢到了午餐时间,络绎不绝的人潮总会让老板娘忙不过来,摆满玻璃橱的水果也在转眼卖个清光。
  6. Pineapple, cucumber, turnip, dried tofu, grounded peanut and the black sticky sauce are the basic ingredients for this yummy snack called Rojak. 黄梨,黄瓜,沙葛,豆腐干,花生碎和那黑酱料等是罗惹的主要成份。