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2024-02-06 09:29:17
美  英
n.  禄来福来反光照相机(商标名)


  1. "Most of the project was shot on an old Rolleiflex, using black and white film. “大多数照片都是用旧式的禄莱福莱照的,用的是黑白胶片。
  2. Yams Kei pedals nonchalantly around town on his bicycle, and takes snapshots of the city with his Rolleiflex. 任达华饰演的凯骑着脚踏车漫不经心地在城市转悠着,并用禄来福来反光照相机给城市拍照。
  3. But he gave up 35mm film relying instead on a German camera of pre瞱ar design and a Rolleiflex. 但他不用35毫米胶片,而是采用德国战前设计的一款相机和禄来单反照相机。
  4. Rolleiflex [Germany] 罗雷福勒[德]