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2024-02-06 09:47:17
美[roʊmænsə]  英[rəʊmænsə]
n.  传奇小说作家;讲虚构故事的人


  1. relating to languages derived from Latin


  1. He is a meditative story-teller or romancer. 他是个善于深入思考的故事家。
  2. So in the conduct of a tale, the romancer is obliged to exercise this most partial sort of justice. 同样的,小说家著书、布局的时候也免不了不公道。
  3. There are some mischievous and prosaic people who carp and calculate at every detail of the romancer. 有些刁钻促狭,迂腐愚蠢的人,喜欢吹毛求疵,对小说家的每一个细节都要追根究底。
  4. She must look at everything from its dollar-and-cent point of view, or she is a mere romancer. 她必须从一块钱或一分钱的观点,锱铢计较地看待每一件事物,否则她只是不切实际的空想家。
  5. Its a major sea change when an eras biggest leading man turns to the dark side after playing the action hero, the dashing romancer and the crusader for justice. 一个时代最伟大的招牌人物在饰演过动作英雄,浪漫情人和正义使者后转而成为反派人物,这确实是一个巨大的变化。
  6. 47.He is a meditative story-teller or romancer. 他是个善于深入思考的故事家。