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2024-02-06 10:15:16
美  英
adj.  <贬>天主教的
  副词:Romishly  名词:Romishness


  1. of or relating to or supporting Romanism;

    "the Roman Catholic Church"


  1. We shall hear the sacring bell, and the voices of the Romish priests saying the mass. 咱们的见闻录运气不错,赶上前一种刑具正可怕地套在一名主教派教友兼天主教嫌疑犯的脑袋上。
  2. The priests demanded that the states which had accepted the Reformation submit implicitly to Romish jurisdiction. 在会议上,神父们要求那些接受改革运动的各邦绝对服从罗马教的权威。而那些宗教改革家则坚持以前所通过的宗教信仰自由议案。
  3. Freed from Romish oppression, the nation attained to a strength and greatness it had never before reached. 国家既脱离了罗马的压迫,就达到空前的强大。
  4. The Romish leaders saw with terror to what a pitch had risen the feeling against them. 02 罗马教的领袖看到民众反对他们的情绪到了这样的高潮,就大起恐慌。
  5. These leaders in the English Reformation were men of learning, and most of them had been highly esteemed for zeal or piety in the Romish communion. 这些英国的改革家都是很有名的学者,其中多数的人曾因热诚或敬虔而一度为罗马教会所器重。他们反对罗马教,乃是因为看出教廷的许多错谬。
  6. In short, the Romish church told all of these pagan cultures, "Bring your gods, goddesses, rituals and rites, and we will assign Christian sounding titles and names to them. 简而言之,罗马教廷告诉所有这些异教文化,“把你的众神、礼仪和习俗带来,我们将冠以基督教的名义,并为他们的命名。