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2024-02-06 10:20:16
美[rɑːmp]  英[rɒmp]
v.  嬉闹玩笑;欢快地迅速奔跑;轻易地取得胜利
n.  好玩的游戏;欢闹;顽皮嬉闹的人;轻易取得的胜利
  过去式:romped  过去分词:romped  现在分词:romping  第三人称单数:romps


  1. an easy victory
  2. a girl who behaves in a boyish manner
  3. gay or light-hearted recreational activity for diversion or amusement;

    "it was all done in play" "their frolic in the surf threatened to become ugly"

  1. play boisterously;

    "The children frolicked in the garden" "the gamboling lambs in the meadows" "The toddlers romped in the playroom"

  2. run easily and fairly fast
  3. win easily;

    "romp a race"


  1. When zoo keeper let them out, they would just romp and play.动物管理员一把它们放出来,它们就会相互嬉闹和玩耍。
  2. We can see the puppies romping around in the garden.我们可以看到在园子里跑来跑去的小狗。
  3. This is easy stuff. Well romp through this.这很容易
  4. Its a hard course: very few students can romp through.那门课程很难,很少学生能轻易通过。
  5. The liberal candidate romped through with thousands of votes to spare.自由党候选人轻易获胜,超出选票数以千计。
  1. His latest film is an enjoyable romp.他最近的电影是一部轻快的冒险故事片。
  2. The new film is an enjoyable romp, but with no intellectual content.这部新影片是很富娱乐性的嘻嘻哈哈的游戏,但没有什么思想内容。
  3. Liz do not enjoy romp as much as other girls do.莉丝不像别的女孩那样喜欢嬉戏吵闹。
  4. We do not like romp and flirt, though we may act as if we do sometimes.我们不喜欢轻佻女和调情郎,虽然有时我们表面上看似喜欢他们。