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2024-02-06 10:35:17
美[rɒŋgəlaɪt]  英[rɒŋgəlaɪt]
n.  雕白粉(甲醛化次硫酸钠)


  1. This paper describes a new technology for production of rongalite based on sodium pyrosulfite reduced by zinc powder and reacted with formaldehyde. 斜述了用焦亚硫酸钠为原料,经锌粉还原与甲醛加成反应,生产次硫酸氢钠甲醛的新工艺。
  2. It was found that rongalite was seldom used in tou-fu and bean sheets,but often used in dried rolls of soybean milk cream. 结果显示,豆腐和豆腐皮中添加的甲醛次硫酸氢钠较少,而腐竹中的添加量不容乐观。
  3. Keywords soybean food;rongalite;society research; 豆制品;甲醛次硫酸氢钠;社会调查;
  4. Keywords acetylacetone;spectrophptometry;rongalite;formaldehyde; 乙酰丙酮;比色法;吊白块;甲醛;
  5. Keywords sodium formate;rongalite;sulfur dioxide;sodium pyrosulfite; 甲酸钠;保险粉;二氧化硫;焦亚硫酸钠;
  6. Keywords Ultraviolet Absorbent;Reduction Agent;Rongalite;NaOH;Transmittance; 紫外线吸收剂;还原剂;保险粉;氢氧化钠;透光率;