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2024-02-06 11:20:17
美[ruːtˌstɔːk]  英[ruːtstɔːk]
n.  [植]根茎;地下根;[动]螅根


  1. a horizontal plant stem with shoots above and roots below serving as a reproductive structure


  1. Moored to a thick rootstalk by a sturdy stem, lily pads are custom built for floating, with a water-repellent surface. 睡莲依靠着结实的茎与粗壮的根连接在一起,它有着防水的表面,似乎生来就是为漂浮而存在的。
  2. Abstract: An extract was obtained, through heat extraction, from Acanthopanax senticosus rootstalk, which was then formulated and filtered to give a beverage through UHT sterilization and hot filling. 摘要: 以刺五加根茎为原料,采用热浸提法制取刺五加提取液,再经过调配、过滤、超高温瞬时杀菌,结合热灌装等工艺制得刺五加饮料。
  3. The key parameters of the mechanism were optimized.Performance test results in the no-tillage corn rootstalk field show that the sample machine has a good ability to cut and dig corn rootstalk so ... 整机性能经田间生产试验结果表明,在有玉米根茬的未耕地上直接播种时,破茬入土能力强,扰土量少,可创造无根茬的良好种床条件,有利于种子生长发芽。
  4. driven disc cutting corn rootstalk device 驱动圆盘根茬处理装置
  5. Corn rootstalk and residue cutting mechanism of no-tillage planter 免耕播种机播种带玉米根茬处理装置研究
  6. Study on the Mechanism of Cutting and Digging Corn Rootstalk 切挖处理播种带玉米根茬研究