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2024-02-06 12:40:17
美  英
n.  罗西塔(Rose的异体)(f


  1. erect plant with small clusters of pink trumpet-shaped flowers of southwestern United States


  1. Wouldnt Rosita have wanted you to move on? |萝希塔不希望你继续过你的日子吗?
  2. Rosita: This creature came out of the shadows... a man made of metal. 黑人女生):这怪物来自黑暗(影子)。。。铁做的。。。
  3. "Rosita looked at Pedro and said, "OK, one time, well do Weeweechu. 对酒当歌,人生几何,抓住现在体会生活吧。
  4. Rosita Smith and Teresa Sir-Petermann of the University of Chile in Santiago;and Vasantha Padmanabhan of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. 其他研究人员的研究包括Pedro Rojas-Garcia, Monica Recabarren, and Victor Alfaro of the University of Concepcion in Chillan, Chile;
  5. Rosita Coah. 家乡: Nva.
  6. Rositas Fine Foods Ltd. 7352 Progress Place, Delta, British Columbia V4G 1A1 Canada 电话: 604-946-2211 传真: 604-946-5793 分类:农业,园艺,林业产品,食品,饮料,烟草,化学产品,药品,颜料,油漆,粘合剂,农业,粮食,林业和园艺服务,谷物和其他作物