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2024-02-06 12:50:17
美[rɒstrə]  英[rɒstrə]
n.  嘴;喙


  1. Inside, there is a high rostrum for preaching. 里面有一个高高的布道讲坛。
  2. He was cheered as he got on the rostrum. 他走上主席台时受到群众的欢呼。
  3. He mounted the rostrum in vigorous strides. 他健步登上演讲台。
  4. Then he advanced to the rostrum. 然后他向主席台走去。
  5. He was hooted down the rostrum by the students. 学生们把他轰下了讲台。
  6. The speaker mounted the rostrum amid warm applause. 那位讲演者在欢呼声中登上了讲坛。