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2024-02-06 13:37:17
美[rɒtə]  英[rɒtə]
n.  死记硬背;机械的做法;生搬硬套


  1. La rotta fu enorme, e caddero, d’Israele, trentamila fanti. 后来才知道耶和华的约柜来到了营中。
  2. Fa’ guizzare il lampo e disperdi i miei nemici. Lancia le tue saette, e mettili in rotta. 求你射出你的箭,使他们溃乱。
  3. Probably the most eye-catching collectible made to depict Rotta was plush life-size Rotta made to fit within a usable soft clone trooper backpack. 或许最引人瞩目的罗塔玩具是一比一大小的长毛绒罗塔,它可以被放进一个日用型克隆人软背包里。
  4. Dooku was counting on it. He wanted the Hutt in the Separatist camp, and the way to do that was to frame the Jedi for Rottas disappearance. 杜库正好可以利用这一点。他要让赫特人加入分离主义阵营,办法就是陷害绝地,让他们去为罗塔的失踪背黑锅。
  5. Meanwhile, the Separatists had manipulated a holographic recording of the rescue of Rotta to make it appear the Jedi were responsible for the crime. 与此同时,分离势力炮制了一段解救罗塔的全息录像,诬蔑绝地应该为这起绑架事件负责。
  6. To a humans eyes, a Huttlet may seem the equivalent of a newborn infant or toddler, but at the time of the Clone Wars, Rotta was already 10 years old. 在人类眼中,小赫特人看上去就像新生儿或蹒跚学步的孩子,但在克隆人战争时期,罗塔已经10岁了。