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2024-02-06 13:47:16
美  英
n.  球状;肥胖;(声音)洪亮;(文体等)浮夸铺张


  1. the roundness of a 3-dimensional object
  2. the fullness of a tone of voice;

    "there is a musky roundness to his wordiness"


  1. Petals 3, rotund to ovate, both surfaces glabrous. 花瓣3,圆形到卵形,两面无毛。
  2. He is a pleasant rotund little man; he always looks very well-fed. 他是个可爱的矮胖子,看上去总像是吃得很好。
  3. Pituitary cells include two types-rhomboid and rotundity. 垂体细胞有梭形和圆形两种。
  4. He spoke with rotund delivery. He chose his words carefully. 他演讲起来声音圆润,字斟句酌。
  5. Mrs. Butler was sitting in rotund complacency at the foot of the table. 巴特勒太太心安理得地坐在桌子的末端。
  6. The drum sieve is made of corrugated iron with strip-shaped holes, which is folded to rotundity. 筛网由有条形孔的波形钢板制成并折成筒形。