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2024-02-06 14:07:16
美[rʌfnek]  英[rʌfnek]
n.  粗暴的人;蛮横的人;油井工人
adj.  粗暴的;蛮横的


  1. a cruel and brutal fellow


  1. I’m a driller.You are a roughneck. 我是司钻,你是钻工。
  2. This roughneck washed and cleaned drill floor this morning. 今天早上这个油井工人冲洗了钻台。
  3. Have you seen the hydraulic tongs in which every roughneck is interested? 你见过每个钻工都感兴趣的那个液压大钳吗?
  4. We once took him for an experienced tool pusher. In reality he was a roughneck. 我们一度把他当作有经验的技师。其实他是一个钻工。
  5. I was looking at an elegant young roughneck, a year or two over thirty. 我看着的不过是一个风度翩翩的年轻汉子,三十一、二岁的年纪。
  6. These characteristics make roughneck applied idealized in land and small marine drilling work. 重量轻、尺寸小使得铁钻工能在 陆地钻井和小型海洋钻井中得到理想应用。