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2024-02-06 14:41:16
美[raʊndnəs]  英[raʊndnəs]
n.  圆;圆度;球形;整数


  1. the fullness of a tone of voice;

    "there is a musky roundness to his wordiness"

  2. the quality of being round numbers;

    "he gave us the results in round numbers, but their roundness didnt affect the point he was making"

  3. the property possessed by a line or surface that is curved and not angular
  4. the bodily property of being well rounded


  1. Her hairstyle exaggerates the roundness of her face.她的发式使她的脸形显得更圆。
  2. As the eutectic time increases, the graphite morphology departs from sphericity to the abnormal morphology, and the roundness of the graphite particles decreases as well.随着共晶时间的延长,铸件的石墨形态逐渐偏离球形,向异常化趋势发展,石墨颗粒的圆整度随之降低。
  3. The roundness of grits projection was assessed by minimum circumcircle method.以最小外接圆法评定了金刚石颗粒投影的圆度。
  4. An approximate quadratic curve has been found to suit the relationship between the tolerances of roundness and their logarithmic fatigue lives with given survivability.在相同存活率下,孔的圆度公差与孔的对数疲劳寿命呈二次曲线关系。
  5. As the eutectic time increases, the graphite morphology departs from sphericity to the abnormal morphology, and the roundness of the graphite particles decreases as well.随着共晶时间的延长,铸件的石墨形态逐渐偏离球形,向异常化趋势发展,石墨颗粒的圆整度随之降低。
  6. He gave us the results in round numbers, but their roundness didnt affect the point he was making.他给我们的是整数结果,但其取整不影响他提出的论点。