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2024-02-06 14:48:16
美[ruːp]  英[ruːp]
n.  家禽的感冒;哑声;拍卖
v.  拍卖


  1. There were sig nificant differences in serum VEGF level among BET,BOT,and EOC g roup(P 良性组、交界性组及恶性组之间血清VEGF水平的差异有统计学意义(P<0.;01);
  2. Roup discussions offer a chance to share experiences in life and spiritual cultivation. 分组讨论,交流生活和修行方面的经验。
  3. Results:The effective rate of the treatment g roup was well above that of the controlled group. 结果治疗组有效率高于对照组,其毒副反应发生低于对照组,而患者生活质量的改善优于对照组。
  4. M ethods:91patients with AICH were randomly a ssiged to the treatment group and the controlled g roup. 方法将急性脑出血患者91例随机分为治疗组与对照组,两组均予西医常规处理,治疗组加用中药利开灵;
  5. I have a wi le system in place, including a team of people that Ive trained to clean, sort, &j roup the keywords. (方法他肯定不会写出来,也得靠我们自己总结或者朋友的点拨。)
  6. The rate of success and effect in study g roup were better than those in control group.Conclusio... 结论丙泊酚复合小剂量芬太尼用于人工流产能减轻病人的痛苦,提高手术的成功率和质量,是安全可行的。