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2024-02-06 15:06:16
美[raʊθ]  英[raʊθ]
n.  <苏>丰盛; 丰富; 大量


  1. Mr Routh played pranks all his life. 罗斯一生都在搞怪。
  2. While Reeve is more outgoing, Routh is more inner-going. 布兰顿在影视界是新人,因此他还很单纯。
  3. Routh estimate the population have one million in the city. 全市人口估计大约有一百万。
  4. Brandon Routh, the new superman, a most beautiful guy who successfully step... [全文]Brandon Routh; the new superman; a most beautiful guy who successfu...
  5. "You will find it a very good practice always to verify your references, sir" (Martin Joseph Routh). “先生,你会发现经常核对你的参考材料是一个很有益的习惯” (马丁·约瑟夫·劳斯)。
  6. Germanys goalkeeper Was their best player,But a fine all-round performance give coach Routh plenty of encouragement. 德国队的守门员是他们的最佳球员,但是全队的整体表现出龟给了教练鲁斯以相当的勇气。